
Tom Gallego Tom Gallego

The Imperative for a Unique Certification for American-Made Agave Spirits

Premium Crafted Degave Spirits

In the intoxicating world of craft spirits, where innovation and artisanal craftsmanship reign supreme, American distillers are uniquely poised to seize an unprecedented opportunity. We stand on the cusp of a renaissance, a chance to redefine the boundaries of craftsmanship, all while honoring a tradition deeply rooted in the heart of Mexico. The time has come for American distillers to forge their own path, to carve out their own identity in the realm of agave spirits, and to demand a certification that boldly proclaims the excellence of American-Made Agave Spirits.

The Consejo Regulador Del Tequila, A.C. may wield significant influence, but it is not the sole arbiter of quality or authenticity. American distillers, with their unwavering dedication to innovation, quality, and tradition, deserve their own unique certification for American-Made Agave Spirits. Read on.

Celebrating American Craftsmanship: The United States has long been a hotbed of innovation in the spirits industry. American distillers have shown time and again their ability to push boundaries, experiment, and create exceptional products. A unique certification would recognize and celebrate this spirit of American craftsmanship.

Terrain Diversity: America's vast and diverse landscapes offer a tapestry of terroirs, each capable of imparting unique characteristics to agave spirits. From the arid deserts of the Southwest to the lush hills of California, American agave spirits have the potential to showcase an unparalleled range of flavors, worthy of their own certification.

Preservation of Tradition: American distillers are not merely imitators; they are innovators who pay homage to the traditions of agave spirit production while infusing their own unique touches. A dedicated certification would honor this commitment to preserving the essence of agave spirits while adding a distinct American flair.

Consumer Choice: Today's consumers are more discerning than ever, seeking out authentic, handcrafted products with stories to tell. American-Made Agave Spirits, with their own certification, would give consumers the power to choose, to explore new horizons, and to support local distillers.

Global Competitiveness: With a unique certification, American agave spirits can proudly stand on the global stage, free from the constraints of foreign regulatory bodies. This newfound independence would open doors to international markets, furthering the reach and impact of American distillers.

Fostering Innovation: A dedicated certification would incentivize American distillers to continue pushing boundaries, experimenting with new agave varieties, aging techniques, and flavor profiles. It would be a catalyst for innovation within the industry.

Empowering Small Distillers: Just as the Degave Organization empowers small batch and craft distillers, a unique certification for American-Made Agave Spirits would level the playing field. It would enable smaller distillers to gain recognition and compete with established giants in the industry.

The time has come for American distillers to break free from the shadow of foreign certification bodies and forge their own path. A unique certification for American-Made Agave Spirits is not just a symbol; it's a statement of American excellence, innovation, and tradition. It's a declaration that American distillers are here to stay, and they're ready to take their place among the elite in the world of agave spirits. It's time to uncork the spirit of American ingenuity and craftmanship and toast to a future where American-Made Agave Spirits called Degave, shine as brightly as the stars and stripes themselves.

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Tom Gallego Tom Gallego

Unlocking New Revenue Opportunities: Joining the Degave Organization for Small Batch and Craft Distillers

The world of spirits and craft distillation has seen a remarkable resurgence in recent years, with an increasing demand for unique, artisanal spirits. Small batch and craft distillers have been at the forefront of this movement, crafting exceptional spirits with a level of attention to detail that is hard to find in mass-produced products. While these distillers often produce outstanding spirits, they face challenges when it comes to marketing and distribution. The Degave Organization believes they have the answer. They have a platform that offers small batch and craft distillers exciting opportunities to expand their reach, gain exposure, and unlock new revenue streams.

The Degave Organization: A Gateway to New Horizons

The Degave Organization is a unique initiative that brings together small batch and craft distillers under one umbrella to collectively market and promote their brands and labels. For distillers looking to open up new revenue opportunities, here are some compelling advantages of becoming a member…

Access to a Broader Audience: One of the key challenges for small distillers is reaching a wider audience. Degave's platform offers a way to introduce your brand to a global network of spirits enthusiasts, potentially expanding your customer base far beyond what you could achieve on your own.

Collaborative Marketing: Degave fosters collaboration among its members. By pooling resources and expertise, members can engage in joint marketing campaigns, which can be much more cost-effective and impactful than individual efforts. This collaborative approach can significantly enhance brand visibility.

New Degave Brands and Labels: Degave is known for its innovative approach to creating new spirits brands and labels. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with other distillers to develop exciting new products. This can lead to the creation of unique spirits that tap into emerging trends and customer preferences.

Marketing and Promotion Support: Degave is committed to helping its members succeed. They provide marketing and promotional support, including access to marketing professionals who specialize in the spirits industry. This guidance can be invaluable for small distillers looking to refine their branding and promotional strategies.

Diverse Revenue Streams: Through Degave, you can explore various revenue streams beyond your core product line. This might include limited-edition releases, special collaborations, or even branded merchandise. Diversifying your offerings can boost revenue and keep your audience engaged.

Leveraging the Craft Movement: The craft spirits movement has a passionate following. Being associated with Degave, which champions craft distillers, can enhance your brand's credibility and appeal to discerning consumers who actively seek out artisanal products.

Shared Resources: Degave offers access to shared resources such as warehousing, distribution, and logistics support. This can help streamline operations and reduce costs, making it easier for small distillers to compete in the market.

For small batch and craft distillers, the Degave Organization presents an exciting opportunity to tap into new revenue streams and elevate their brands to new heights. Through collaboration, shared resources, and a commitment to promoting craft spirits, Degave is poised to help distillers thrive in an increasingly competitive market. By becoming a member of the Degave Organization, distillers can look forward to a future filled with innovative spirits, expanded reach, and a dedicated community of like-minded enthusiasts. Don't miss out on the chance to open up new horizons for your craft distillery – join Degave today and embark on a journey of growth and success.

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Tom Gallego Tom Gallego

The American craft distilling industry has experienced significant growth over the past decade.

In recent years, the popularity of agave spirits has grown internationally, with tequila in particular becoming a widely recognized and respected spirit which has opened the door to american craft distillers to produce their own brand of Degave, a great american craft spirit.

According to the American Craft Spirits Association, the number of craft distilleries in the United States has more than quadrupled since 2010, with over 3,000 operating in 2022.

Craft distilleries are defined as small, independently-owned distilleries that produce fewer than 750,000 proof gallons of spirits per year. These distilleries often focus on producing high-quality, small-batch spirits using traditional methods and local ingredients. Many craft distilleries also prioritize sustainability and innovation in their production processes.

One of the driving forces behind the growth of the craft distilling industry has been the increasing demand for unique, high-quality spirits. Consumers are becoming more interested in supporting local businesses and seeking out unique, artisanal products. Craft distilleries are able to meet this demand by offering a wide range of spirits, including whiskey, gin, vodka, rum, and now Agave Spirits, formally referred to as Degave. 

In addition to meeting consumer demand, craft distilleries have also benefited from changes in state and federal regulations. In recent years, many states have relaxed laws governing the production and distribution of spirits, making it easier for craft distilleries to enter the market. The federal government has also provided support for the craft distilling industry through tax breaks and other incentives.

Despite these successes, the craft distilling industry still faces challenges. One of the main challenges is competition from larger, more established distilleries. Craft distilleries often struggle to get their products onto store shelves and into bars and restaurants, as they often lack the distribution networks and marketing budgets of larger companies. In addition, the high cost of production and strict regulations can make it difficult for craft distilleries to turn a profit.

In spite of these challenges, the craft distilling industry remains a vibrant and growing sector of the economy. As consumers continue to seek out unique, locally-produced spirits, it is likely that the industry will continue to thrive.

Enter agave spirits, a type of alcoholic beverage made from the agave plant, which is native to Mexico and parts of the southwestern United States. The most well-known agave spirit is tequila, which is made from the blue agave plant, but there are other types of agave spirits as well, including mezcal, raicilla and Degave, an US produced agave spirit, similar to Tequila.

The production of agave spirits begins with the harvesting of the agave plant. The leaves of the plant are stripped away, leaving the core, or piña, which can weigh up to 200 pounds. The piña is then roasted, either in an oven or underground in a pit, to soften the fibers and release the sugars.

After roasting, the piña is crushed to extract the juice, which is called aguamiel. This juice is then fermented and distilled to create the final product. The type of agave plant used, the method of roasting and crushing, and the length of fermentation and distillation all contribute to the final flavor and characteristics of the agave spirit.

Degave is made exclusively from blue agave and can only be produced in the United States. Tequila on the other hand can only be produced in the state of Jalisco, Mexico and limited regions in the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit, and Tamaulipas. Mezcal can be made from any type of agave plant and is produced in several states in Mexico, including Oaxaca, Durango, and Guerrero. Raicilla is a lesser-known agave spirit that is also produced in Mexico, specifically in the state of Jalisco.

Degave spirits are often enjoyed neat, or on their own, but they are also a key ingredient in many cocktails, such as margaritas and palomas. In addition to their use in drinks, agave spirits are also used in traditional Mexican cuisine, such as in marinades and sauces.

In recent years, the popularity of agave spirits has grown internationally, with tequila in particular becoming a widely recognized and respected spirit which has opened the door to american craft distillers to produce their own brand of Degave, a great american craft spirit. 

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Tom Gallego Tom Gallego


The Tequave Organization, announced today that it has completed a major rebrand. The organization undertook an extensive consumer insights study to select Degave™ for its new name and certification of American Agave Spirits.

Carlsbad, CA, December 3rd, 2022 

The Tequave Organization, announced today that it has completed a major rebrand. The organization undertook an extensive consumer insights study to select Degave™ for its new name and certification of American Agave Spirits.  

Degave™ is an exciting spirit category whose future is being shaped by the innovation and entrepreneurial vitality of America's small batch distillers. Members of the Degave™ Organization can now realize the vast sales potential of the American Agave Spirit category of Degave™.

The rebranding effort was important to better resonate with Millennial and Gen Z consumers, and overwhelmingly the name DEGAVE was preferred by younger audiences, the certification organization’s primary target demographic. You can visit the Degave Organization to explore the new website, brand, and membership opportunities.

Chief Operating Officer, Mitch Boxberger said, “The new name was favored 2 to 1 over Tequave by younger consumers. Plus, the new name, logo and seal of certification better positions us as a wholly American force in the blossoming American agave spirit classification.” He went on to say: “The previous name of Tequave was necessary to launch our member-owned non-profit and to get our vision out there but now we need to better connect with the consumer and provide our member distillers - the ones that work hard to provide quality products - an even better opportunity to sell their own brand of premium Degave spirits.”

Members of the Degave Organization have two new labels in production, Tombstone Degave and Navigator Degave, both being distilled by Adventurous Stills, a small-batch distillery in Tempe, Arizona that produces handcrafted Degave, and offers bottle purchases, distillery tours, tastings, handcrafted cocktails, and private events - they create truly exceptional American Agave Spirits, without compromise.

The Mission of the Degave™ Certification Organization is to establish, protect and promote the category of American Agave Spirits. They are supported solely by the entrepreneurial vitality of American craft distillers; they define and uphold standards among spirit professionals, and offer certifications in the category of Degave™. The Degave Organization is on a quest to have an American Agave Standards of Identity and they are well on their way to accomplishing their vision.

American private distillers who are members in good standing with the Degave™ Organization can be certified to produce premium, ultra-premium and luxury American agave spirits that meet the standards established by the Degave™ Organization and bear the Degave™ name and seal of quality. By becoming a member, they can expand their labels with their own brand of Degave™ spirit and receive category support, marketing and promotion through the Degave Organization and its advisory board. In addition members can participate in issues that affect their individual businesses, the Degave category and the American agave spirit industry and access a range of services, advice and guidance applicable to the Degave™ category. The organization also provides assistance with labeling, regulatory, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) packaging and branding.

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